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#1 2015-05-01 18:38:01

Dołączył: 2015-04-27
Liczba postów: 111
Windows 7Chrome 42.0.2311.135

Info z configa

-- world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp"

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "100"

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 1000

-- exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedadd = 0

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 10*1000

-- allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0

-- vocation names
vocations = {"a sorcerer", "a druid", "a paladin", "a knight"}
promoted_vocations = {"a master sorcerer", "an elder druid", "a royal paladin", "an elite knight"}

-- how often do server saves it's state (0 = off, 5 = 5min, 60 = hour)
autosave = 5

-- do you want to enable cap system? (yes/no)
capsystem = "no"

-- do you want players to learn spells before they can use them? (yes/no)
learnspells = "no"

-- do you want to give premium account to all players? (yes/no)
freepremmy = "no"

-- do you want premium players to wait in queue as others? (yes/no)
queuepremmy = "no"

-- how much % of {exp, mana, skill, eq, bp} do you lose when dying without promotion
diepercent = {"15", "0", "0", "0", "0"}

-- how much % of {exp, mana, skill, eq, bp} do you lose when dying with promotion
diepercent_promotion = {"15", "0", "0", "0", "0"}

-- how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 2

-- do you want to give summons for all vocations? (yes/no)
summonsallvoc = "no"

-- chance of losing a spear when shot (0 - none lost, 100000 - all lost)
spearlosechance = 50

-- anti-afk - maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 30

-- maximum number of items player can keep in his/her depot
maxdepotitems = 1000

-- maximum number of items on a house tile (including those in containers)
maxhousetileitems = 10

-- how much death entries are saved in players file (old are deleted)
maxdeathentries = 10

-- damage of burst arrows blast
-- default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55
burstarrowdmg = {"1.0", "5.0", "0.24", "0.55"}

-- experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = 10

-- experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = 2

-- skill multipliers: 1 - rl tibia, 10 - ten times faster etc. {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
weaponmul = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "40"}
distmul = {"1", "1", "1", "40", "1"}
shieldmul = {"1", "1", "1", "20", "20"}
manamul = {"1", "3", "3", "2", "2"}

-- how much points of life,mana,cap do you get when advancing {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
capgain = {"10", "10", "10", "20", "25"}
managain = {"5", "40", "40", "25", "15"}
hpgain = {"5", "10", "10", "15", "25"}

-- how much faster do you recovery life,mana after eating food (1 - rl tibia)
healthtickmul = 100
manatickmul = 100

promotionhealthtickmul = 300
promotionmanatickmul = 300

-- how many unjustified kills to get a red skull
redunjust = 6

-- how many unjustified kills to get banned
banunjust = 9

-- how long do you have white skull after attacking player (1 = 1min)
hittime = 12

-- how long do you have white skull after killing player (1 = 1min)
whitetime = 15

-- how long do you have red skull (1 = 1min)
redtime = 12*60

-- how long do you have to wait to lose 1 unjustified kill (1 = 1min)
fragtime = 24*60

-- speed of attack in seconds (no-voc, sorc, druid, pally, knight)
speed = {"0.5", "0.3", "0.3", "0.4", "0.8"}

-- First Attack --
first = 1000

-- Bramki lvl'owe (standardowo wszystko od 1lvl'a) (przykład: PVP od bramki1 do bramki2 | PVP od bramki2 do bramki3 itd...)
-- Bramki muszą być coraz wyższe lvl'owo (im wyższy numer bramki, tym wyższy lvl)!!!
bramka1 = 50
bramka2 = 100
bramka3 = 250
bramka4 = 400
bramka5 = 600
bramka6 = 950

-- Drop Rate
droprate = 2

--Auto clean(0 - off, 1 - one minute, 60 - one hour)
autoclean = 15

--How many mana and Hp you recovery using Life Ring
liferingmana = "100"
liferinghealth = "50"

--How many mana and Hp you recovery using Ring of Healing
rohmana = "500"
rohhealth = "250" 

--How many mana and Hp you recovery using Soft Boots
softmana = "1000"
softhealth = "1000"

-- How many percent increase magic damage when u have mystic turban?
mysticturban = 50

-- How many % increase magic damage when u have blue robe?
bluerobe = 100

--Distance away from spawn to remove a monster
dist = 35

--remove bolts (yes/no)
removebolts = "no"

-- how many days the pk ban lasts (1=1day)
pkbandays = 1

-- how many days the bug and/or game weakness abuse ban lasts (1=1day)
bug = 3

-- How many premmy days the player get when say !buypremmy
manypremmydays = 1

-- How many the player pay when say !buypremmy
prricepremmy = 1000

-- !buyhouse enabled?
buyhouse = "yes"

-- Level to buy house using command !buyhouse
buyhouselvl = 50

-- house price for 1 sqm
priceforsqm = 100000

-- max houses for player
maxhouses = 1

mutedtime = "1000"

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying with blessing and without promotion
diebless = 3

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have blessing and you have promotion
diebless1promotion = 1

--Auto Save time for each player.... 1 = 1min
saveTime = 5


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